This is where you want to learn English!

We have created this program just for you. It will help you to easily and efficiently learn English. The program is based on the longstanding language-teaching experience of a great professional like Nugzar B. Ruhadze.

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This is where you want to learn English!
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About Us

Why Us?



In this program, you will find put together all that you need for learning English. We know exactly what to teach you, how to teach and how much. It is excluded that you fall behind the program or miss on anything in it.

Listen and Repeat

Listen and Repeat

Our program is plainly explaining in the Georgian language how to speak English. Enjoy a friendly voice and an entertaining visual. We are not grinding away the rules. We simply understand the rules.

Interactive Video-lessons

Interactive Video-lessons

The interactive video is helping you to check how precisely you have perceived the subject matter, trains you and keeps you from any misconception or erroneously memorizing anything.

Save time, energy, nerves, money

Save time, energy, nerves, money

Study wherever and whenever you feel is better for you, and as much as you think is right for you. You can rewind the video, skip it if you wish or have it repeat the same phrase as many times as you wish.